Automated Smart Coupons
how it works
Don't have a Coupon or voucher? — We'll design one for you!
Campaign strategy and design
Digitally delivered coupons
Tracking of all claimed coupons
SMS & Email follow-up sequences to improve conversions
Tracking of all redemptions
Revenue tracking with fraud prevention
Dashboard access for reporting
Huge cost/benefit improvement over traditional print/mailer campaigns
Smart Coupons PlanS
Cost-effective packages within reach of every small business
Digital Co-op display ad campaigns and social media strategies that get your offer seen — even on our basic plan.
No more 'pay and pray' ad campaigns that don't track return on your ad spend.
What You Don’t Have to Pay For or Worry About!
Trying to find the right audience to target
Trying to learn how to do Facebook Advertising
Facebook Ad Agency costs (often $1,500 minimum per month)
Q: Is this a Facebook ads offer?
A: No. These are off-Facebook display ads so your reach is expanded to non-Facebook prospects
Q: Where will my ads be displayed?
A: We use real-time bidding (RTB) networks to reach some of the most popular sites on the web. Subscribers to our network include some of the biggest traffic websites like History Channel, Fox News, Sports Illustrated, and the Weather Channel.
Q: Are these the only options for ad impression counts?
A: No. We can tailor custom campaigns to your needs, including expanding to other geographic areas.
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